Chronic Pain Treatment in San Antonio
Joint Injections

Proven, Non-Surgical Pain Relief
Almost everybody has dealt with a nagging injury at some point. But when a joint injury continues to linger, it can cause painful symptoms and a loss of motion—making normal activities far more difficult. Rather than seeking out expensive surgery or addictive medications, joint injections at Marcos Medical Care provides an alternative.
Through precise injections from experienced medical professionals, our providers can heal inflammation and reduce painful symptoms.
How it Works
How Joint Injections Work
Joint Injections are a fast-acting, non-surgical alternative to acute and chronic pain treatment—including sudden injuries (such as a sprain or muscle strain) chronic injuries caused by joint overuse (such as carpal tunnel or tennis elbow), or degenerative conditions (like osteoarthritis).
Because the effects do wear off over time, they are not meant to be a permanent solution to joint pain. However, ongoing injections can offer highly effective pain relief as part of an ongoing treatment plan for pain management.
That treatment plan comes after a discussion with a highly trained care provider—which covers your symptoms, lifestyle, and treatment goals. We perform the injection in-office and will numb the treatment area with a topical anesthetic prior to treatment. Your provider will then carefully perform the injection directly into the joint, which will help temporarily reduce pain and swelling.
Joint Injections Areas
Elbow (for tennis and golfer's elbow)
Wrist (for carpal tunnel and trigger finger)

Schedule Your Appointment
Looking for proven chronic pain treatment in San Antonio? Schedule an appointment with Marcos Medical Care.
Medical Providers
Meet Our Medical Providers
Our Patients Are Our Purpose
With so many options available for people to improve their health and wellness, Marcos Medical Care separates itself through outstanding patient care.
Our goal isn’t just to provide the most advanced treatments, but to show complete care and compassion for patients at all times. We believe that building relationships with our patients provides the best possible care.