Body Sculpting in San Antonio

The Right Shape Right Now | Body Sculpting at Marcos Medical

Happy, smiling senior couple wearing sportswear standing with arms crossed in the park posing after having body sculpting in San Antonio

In San Antonio, we don’t have Tuesdays designated for tacos. We have “Taco Today,” because here in Taco Town, we’ve made an art form out of this delicious street food!

But, there is a price to pay for frequently enjoying tacos this good (and it’s not just the bonus hot sauce and chorizo): extra body weight. Even people who exercise regularly can discover that our great foods can change the shape of their bodies, hiding their hard work.

Marcos Medical helps you rediscover your right shape with our treatments for body sculpting in San Antonio. We can help you regain muscle strength and tone, lose fat, and even erase some of those “taco pounds”!

Our body contouring treatments also help rebuild muscle strength that’s been lost due to illness, medicine, lifestyle, and aging. Contact us for a personal consultation, and let’s talk about your current issues and your goals for improved function and an overall better look.

Building Muscle and Burning Fat

According to a news report, out of all cities, San Antonio ranks #25 in the nation for obesity. That’s an addressable situation, with more than 100 miles of trails for walking, biking, and jogging. With over 250 days of sunshine, it’s almost always a great day to get out and about.

However, if you’ve lost muscle strength and aren’t ready, Marcos Medical offers rejuvenation that can help you become stronger faster than spending huge amounts of time in a gym.

These treatments can also permanently remove fat deposits so that your efforts to get in shape shine. And our weight loss injections improve whole-body weight loss so you can hit your goals even more quickly.

Perfecting Your Tone

Our treatments for body sculpting in San Antonio help athletes and body contouring enthusiasts go that last 10% to their ultimate body shape goals. By reducing those stubborn fat pockets, muscles show better and more completely. Plus, the muscle-building energies of our treatments can be targeted at specific muscle groups in multiple locations.

At Marcos Medical, you can artfully carve your physique to the level of perfection you want by adding our treatments to your personal regimen.

Welcome to your “Medical Gym Membership”

Our treatments fast-track patients who want to improve not only their appearance, but their strength and muscle function.

A personal consultation helps you discover the right treatment for your concerns. Our team will talk with you about your medical history, your activity levels, and your goals for treatment. Once we determine the best therapy for the results you want, we’ll get you scheduled.

Within a few treatments, you can play with grandkids again. You can get back to those walks you love in the Texas sunshine. You can swim and ride bikes and live your life at its best level.

Address the results of a sedentary lifestyle, repair lost strength, and age gracefully with the following powerful treatments.

Related topic: Your best choices for toning muscles in San Antonio.

Two Emsculpt NEO applicators are attached to patient's stomach, one on right side and one on left as they work on body sculpting in San Antonio. Patient is laying down with eyes closed during treatment.


Emsculpt NEO®

For body sculpting in San Antonio, Emsculpt NEO’s dual-modality technology rises to the top of treatment choices. By utilizing both high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) power along with radiofrequency (RF) energy, Emsculpt NEO builds muscle while permanently reducing fatty deposits.

Muscle Building

Emsculpt NEO’s HIFEM energy triggers target muscle contractions—up to 20,000 or more per session! For example, with the larger Emsculpt NEO applicator placed over the abdomen, you can achieve the equivalent of 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes. There’s no possible way to do that in an average gym setting.

The beauty of Emsculpt NEO includes the ability to customize the intensity of the “workout.” You’ll be comfortable during the entire session, so that you can reach your goals without pain or worry.

Fat Reduction

At the same time that Emsculpt NEO is building your muscles, it’s also reducing fatty deposits in your target area. The RF energy directed into the fat layer of your epidermis delivers 2 benefits:

  1. It warms the muscles, much like a “warm up” before a workout.
  2. The heated fat cells sustain permanent damage in a process called apoptosis.

Emsculpt NEO’s RF energy heats the fat cells to a temperature that causes apoptosis. This temperature is between 107 to 111 degrees Fahrenheit. Because the heating is localized, it’s comfortable and can be adjusted to your specific tolerances.

This temperature permanently damages fat cells, and your body flushes them away over the next few months through your lymphatic system.

Clinical studies have shown that Emsculpt NEO can reduce subcutaneous fat by an average of 30%, while increasing lean muscle mass by up to 25%.

Emsculpt NEO Details

Areas Treated:

  • Abdominal muscles
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Buttocks
  • Inner, outer, front, and back of thighs
  • Calves

Downtime: None

Treatments Needed: 4 to 6

Who makes a good candidate for Emsculpt NEO?

For body sculpting in San Antonio, Emsculpt NEO works best on individuals who are closer to their ideal body weight. This can include patients who have lost weight due to illness and medication along with those who have focused on consistent improvement of their physique.

Exion® Body

Stubborn fat deposits can get in the way of your progress toward an improved appearance. Exion Body treatments at Marcos Medical not only reduce the fat that resists your best efforts, it can help firm up skin for less droopiness.

Exion Body works great for fine-tuning your body contouring efforts, and helps rejuvenate your appearance after prolonged illness or medical issues.

How Exion Body Works

For body contouring in San Antonio, Exion Body combines the power of monopolar radiofrequency (RF) energy with targeted ultrasound. During treatment, Exion Body’s cooling technology helps to keep you comfortable and safe. In the end, you achieve enhanced contours without the need for surgery or extensive downtime.

Monopolar Radiofrequency

Similar to Emsculpt NEO, this energy reduces fatty deposits through apoptosis. However, monopolar RF reaches deeper than bipolar RF, allowing the effects to penetrate fat deposits located below the dermal layers.


When Exion Body directs ultrasound energy into the treatment area, this can increase fat disruption even further. It also promotes production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin!

Cooling Technology

The advanced cooling system protects your skin even as the target tissues are heated. Most patients compare Exion Body treatments to the feeling of a warm stone massage.

Exion Body Details

Areas Treated:

  • Back
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Saddle Bags
  • Knees

Downtime: None

Treatments Needed: 4 sessions

Who makes a good candidate for Exion Body?

Best candidates for Exion Body include patients who want to nonsurgically and noninvasively improve their skin texture and tone. It addresses several concerns, including:

  • Stubborn fat
  • Skin laxity
  • Wrinkles
  • Appearance of cellulite

You should be in generally good health, and not pregnant or nursing.


A Marcos Medical provider uses the handheld Emtone machine on a patient's upper thigh for body sculpting in San Antonio. Only the right arm and hand of the provider is in focus, and only the patient's right leg is in the image.


The appearance of cellulite can ruin your best efforts for body sculpting in San Antonio. The puckered, “orange peel” appearance gives the impression of extra weight, and draws attention away from your muscle structure and definition.

Reducing or eliminating the appearance of cellulite can be hard once it appears. EMTONE treatments at Marcos Medical deliver both thermal (RF) and mechanical energy to the target areas. Combined, these modalities provide significant reduction in the appearance of cellulite for smoother skin where you want it most.

EMTONE Details

Areas Treated:

  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Buttocks

Downtime: None

Treatments Needed: 4 to 6

How EMTONE Works

Cellulite forms when the fibrous bands that connect our skin to our muscles pull down against the surrounding fat tissue. These fibrous bands create the dimples. The interesting—and frustrating—fact about cellulite is that it can appear even on individuals with low body fat content. The causative factors can include:

  • Genetics
  • Effects of aging
  • Hormonal changes
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • And more

EMTONE addresses this cellulite by combining fat-melting RF energy with targeted pressure energy. The mechanical energy works to break up those fat cells even further, helping your body flush them from your system more readily. The RF energy also promotes collagen and elastin production for tighter, smoother skin.

Who makes a good candidate for EMTONE?

Almost anyone who wants to reduce the appearance of cellulite makes a good candidate for EMTONE at Marcos Medical. However, we don’t recommend this treatment for the elderly.

Weight Loss Injections for Body Sculpting

In San Antonio and across the country, obesity has reached epidemic levels, with as many as 34% of adults in the U.S. being obese.

Our weight loss injections can support your physical rejuvenation and body contouring efforts by helping reduce your weight more efficiently and effectively.

GLP-1 for the Win

Our weight loss injections are GLP-1 receptor agonists. They mimic a natural hormone produced by the gut that regulates appetite and blood sugar levels.

Depending on the weight loss injection that best matches your needs and goals, you may receive a dual-agonist receptor. This injection targets both GLP-1 receptors and GIP receptors. GIP receptors help regulate insulin secretion, resulting in further blood sugar control, while also reducing hunger and cravings to support weight loss.

When you use our weight loss injections at the beginning of your journey with body sculpting in San Antonio, you’ll feel fuller and more sated for longer. This helps you fight cravings so that you can better stick to your weight loss plan and start redefining your shape.

Who makes a good candidate for weight loss injections?

Best candidates for our weight loss injections include adults with:

  • Higher BMI
  • Weight-related conditions (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • Little to no weight loss from more conventional methods.
  • Aversion to weight loss surgery
  • No fear of injections
  • Realistic expectations for weight loss timelines

Certain allergies or a history of chronic kidney disease, cancer, pancreatitis, or gallstones may make you ineligible for weight loss injections. Your Marcos Medical provider will go over all the details with you during your consultation to determine whether treatment is right for you.

Weight Loss Injection Details

Downtime: None

Treatments Needed: Varies based on individual goals and response to treatment. Generally, it involves a series of weekly injections over a four-month span.

Results can vary. Clinical studies and patient experiences show different rates of weight loss, often depending on individual factors like baseline weight, diet, exercise, and adherence to the medication regimen.

Get Better Faster with Body Sculpting

In San Antonio, many of our patients choose body sculpting treatments to get back their function and strength. They have often experienced muscle loss due to:

  • Accident or injury
  • Side effects of medication
  • A long bout of bed rest
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle
  • Hormonal changes

When muscle loss occurs due to these or other factors, Marcos Medical offers transformative solutions to rebuild and rehabilitate those muscles at a pace you cannot achieve through regular exercises and therapies. Request a consultation with a Marcos Medical provider, and let’s talk openly and honestly about how you feel now, and how you want to feel and look in the future.

You can also call us for more details.

About Marcos Medical

Over 20 years ago, Marcos Medical began as a source of excellent healthcare. We based our efforts on the patient’s needs, with treatments backed by clinically proven science.

Today, Marcos Medical includes Marcos Medical Aesthetics & Wellness. Here you’ll discover excellent service and long-term outcomes for primary care, wellness, and aesthetics.

For patients across North Central San Antonio and beyond—come say howdy to the most confident, healthy version of yourself.

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